The Marque The Marque

Dan Diker


Jerusalem Center for Foreign Affairs

Jerusalem, IL

Dan Diker
Alex Dibelius
Elizabeth Dillon
Pictet Asset Management (USA) Corp.

Dan’s Biography

Dan Diker is a foreign policy expert, researcher and scholar. He is President-elect and heads the Program to Counter Political Warfare and BDS as Senior Project Director and Fellow at the Jerusalem Center for Foreign Affairs, Political Warfare and BDS. The Jerusalem Center for Foreign Affairs is an independent Israeli research center specializing in security, diplomacy and international law.

As Senior Project Director and Fellow, Dan's writing, public addresses and media appearances educate a wide audience through his analyses regarding Israel’s foreign policy and current affairs.

Dan has authored and edited numerous books, policy studies, monographs and articles on the global BDS movement, global political warfare and relations between Israel and the Jewish Diaspora most prominently in Europe and the US. His works on the Palestinian-led BDS movement include Israelophobia and the West; BDS Unmasked, Defeating Anti-Normalisation: Shared Palestinian and Israeli Perspectives on a New Path to Peace; and Students for Justice in Palestine, Unmasked.

An eminent scholar, Dan is a...
Dan Diker is a foreign policy expert, researcher and scholar. He is President-elect and heads the Program to Counter Political Warfare and BDS as Senior Project Director and Fellow at the Jerusalem Center for Foreign Affairs, Political Warfare and BDS. The Jerusalem Center for Foreign Affairs is an independent Israeli research center specializing in security, diplomacy and international law.

As Senior Project Director and Fellow, Dan's writing, public addresses and media appearances educate a wide audience through his analyses regarding Israel’s foreign policy and current affairs.

Dan has authored and edited numerous books, policy studies, monographs and articles on the global BDS movement, global political warfare and relations between Israel and the Jewish Diaspora most prominently in Europe and the US. His works on the Palestinian-led BDS movement include Israelophobia and the West; BDS Unmasked, Defeating Anti-Normalisation: Shared Palestinian and Israeli Perspectives on a New Path to Peace; and Students for Justice in Palestine, Unmasked.

An eminent scholar, Dan is a Research Fellow of the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism at Reichman University. He is called upon to offer insight on issues of domestic and foreign policy as it relates to Israel and the global Jewish community. He also served the World Jewish Congress as Secretary General.

Before emigrating to Israel, Dan served as an executive at New York-based Financial investment firms Shearson Lehman American Express and Drexel Burnham Lambert. He continues to invest in various Israeli and US-based startup ventures.

Dan has received his PhD in International Security Studies (his dissertation was on the Palestinian National Movement) from the University of South Wales, United Kingdom. He also holds an MA in Government, Counter-Terrorism and Homeland Security Studies Summa Cum Laude from Reichman University and a BA Cum Laude in American History from Harvard University.
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Dan’s Newsfeed

The Jerusalem Post
JCFA Head Dan Diker: 'We really have to think out of the box'

Dr. Dan Diker, President of the Jerusalem Center for Foreign Affairs, was quoted before his discussion with Mossab Hassan Yousef (son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef) known as 'the Green Prince', at the Jerusalem Post Annual Conference.

Did years of pro-Hamas support on US campuses lead to October 7?

Dan Diker and Khaled Abu Toameh discuss the role of Students for Justice in Palestine has fomented antisemitic incitement across the university landscape.

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Dan’s Background

Jerusalem Center for Foreign Affairs
Jerusalem, IL
The Jerusalem Center for Foreign Affairs is an independent research institution that specializes in diplomacy and foreign policy, promoting good governance and cooperation between the Jewish nation and its neighbors. Dan is the Director of the Project to Counter BDS and Political Warfare.
World Jewish Congress
Secretary General
Jun 2011 - Jan 2013
New York, NY, USA
The World Jewish Congress is the global representative of the Jewish community in more than 100 countries. The organization advocates on their behalf to governments, policymakers and other faiths. Dan previously served as Sec Gen Designate from 2010 to 2011, and as Middle East Policy Advisor from 2009 to 2010.
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Dan’s Gallery


Israel Tennis & Education Center
Vice Chairman, International Board of Directors
ITEC constitutes the largest excellence based tennis and education network in the world. ITEC provides all children in Israel, free of charge, the opportunity to become champions on and off the court regardless of race, religion, ethnic or socio economic background. ITEC helped transform the lives of Jewish, Arab, Druse and Circasion children and youth and has trained two Grand Slam Champions.


Our Middle East: An Insider’s View
“Our Middle East”, with hosts Dan Diker and Khaled Abu Toameh, is a new Jewish News Syndicate show, in partnership with the Jerusalem Center of Public Affairs, that aims to provide listeners with an in-depth insider’s view of the Middle East.
Reconnecting Israel and Black America
Feb 2023
Host of “Our Middle East: An Insider’s View”, Dan Diker and Khaled Abu Toameh, welcome guest Dumisani Washington to discuss the long and storied relationship between the African-American and Jewish communities.
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VIN News Podcast
Jul 2021
Jerusalem, IL
Dan speaks to Alan Skorski and Baila Sebrow about his latest report: The “Apartheid” Poll and the Disinformation Discourse.
Dan Diker interviews Prof Bernard Lewis on the Arab uprising in the Middle East
Mar 2011
Jerusalem, IL
In his role as Secretary General of the World Jewish Congress, Dan Diker interviews renowned British-American historian and political commentator Prof. Bernard Lewis on the latest developments in the Middle East.


Does the Durban conference matter for Israel?
Sep 2021
Jerusalem, IL
Dan participates in a discussion with Yaakov Katz, Jerusalem Post’s Editor-In-Chief, and Lahav Harkov, Diplomatic Correspondent, on the Durban conference.


Jihad on Campus Unmasked
Dec 2023
Dr Dan Diker co-authored this publication providing background to how Pro-Hamas Students for Justice in Palestine hijacked U.S. Universities.
Jerusalem Center for Foreign Affairs
Jerusalem, IL
Dan Diker writes on a range of topics, including the Middle East Peace Process, countering anti-Semitism, Israelophobia, the Jewish diaspora and more.
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Specialist Courses

University of South Wales
PhD International Security Studies
Cardiff, UK
Dan has completed his PhD in International Security Studies at the University of South Wales.

Speaking Engagements

The Jerusalem Post Democracy Conference
Featured Speaker
Jan 2023
Dan Diker took part in a panel titled 'The Battle for Israel in the Public Sphere', which focused on how Israel should be discussed in light of current efforts to reform the judicial system and major demonstrations that have been held in opposition to those proposed changes.
Institutions Abandoning the IHRA Definition of Anti-Semitism Court Danger
Featured Speaker
Sep 2021
The Jerusalem Center held a book launch on August 11, 2021, for Double Message, Double Standard: Institutions Abandoning the IHRA Definition of Anti-Semitism Court Danger, by Fiamma Nirenstein. Other speakers included Amb. Alan Baker, Prof. Gerald M. Steinberg, and Dan Diker.


Jerusalem Center for Foreign Affairs
Senior Research Fellow
2002 - Present
Jerusalem, IL
Dan began his career at the JCFA (previously the JCPA) as a Senior Foreign Policy Fellow and Analyst.
International Institute for Counter-Terrorism: IDC Herzliya
Research Fellow
Herzliya, IL
The Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, currently known as Reichman University, is one of the top private research and higher learning institutes in Israel. Dan is a Research Fellow at the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism.
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Dan’s Education

University of South Wales
PhD in International Security Studies
Reichman University
MA | Government and Counter Terrorism Policy, Summa Cum Laude
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