The Marque The Marque

Abdoulaye Ndiaye

Chairman and Founder

Grizzly Mining Limited

Kitwe, ZM

Abdoulaye Ndiaye
David Naylor-Leyland
Christian Nellemann

Abdoulaye Ndiaye’s Biography

Abdoulaye Ndiaye is the pioneering Founder and Chairman of Grizzly Mining Limited in Kitwe, Zambia.

Abdoulaye started his mining career in Zambia in 1972, trading emeralds in Lufwanyama, located in Zambia's Copperbelt Province. The Senegalese-born mining executive and entrepreneur acquired the Grizzly Mine twenty-five years later. For nearly thirty years, he has been leading the way at Grizzly Mining, qualifying as a gemologist whilst Grizzly Mining produced some of the world’s largest high-grade emeralds.

Through the creation of employment for more than 4,000 individuals at their mining operations, Grizzly Mining has contributed greatly to the Zambian economy. The gemstone business has built and equipped a clinic on the mine site to look after the wellness of employees and also established and funded a clinic serving the community.

Employees of Grizzly Mining are encouraged to engage with learning and qualification opportunities that are funded by the company. Through the financing of three high schools and two primary schools in the community, the mining company has provided...
Abdoulaye Ndiaye is the pioneering Founder and Chairman of Grizzly Mining Limited in Kitwe, Zambia.

Abdoulaye started his mining career in Zambia in 1972, trading emeralds in Lufwanyama, located in Zambia's Copperbelt Province. The Senegalese-born mining executive and entrepreneur acquired the Grizzly Mine twenty-five years later. For nearly thirty years, he has been leading the way at Grizzly Mining, qualifying as a gemologist whilst Grizzly Mining produced some of the world’s largest high-grade emeralds.

Through the creation of employment for more than 4,000 individuals at their mining operations, Grizzly Mining has contributed greatly to the Zambian economy. The gemstone business has built and equipped a clinic on the mine site to look after the wellness of employees and also established and funded a clinic serving the community.

Employees of Grizzly Mining are encouraged to engage with learning and qualification opportunities that are funded by the company. Through the financing of three high schools and two primary schools in the community, the mining company has provided educational opportunities to more than 900 students. Grizzly Mining also has an ongoing literacy sponsorship programme in place.

Through the establishment and maintenance of a 50 km power line and road, the business has contributed to a better life for all. Grizzly Mining donates fertiliser and pesticide to six local chiefdoms on an annual basis. The mining company also collaborates with government departments and an environmental consultant to address revegetation and reforestation. During the Covid Pandemic, the company sponsored the provision of 1100 oxygen cylinders to local clinics.

Grizzly Mining facilitates a biannual auction in Dubai attracting top gemstone specialists from across the globe.

In addition to his involvement in Wolle Mining Limited and Gemcanton Mining Services Limited, Abdoulaye also has further business interests in his birth country of Senegal.
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Abdoulaye Ndiaye’s Newsfeed

African Mining Market
Grizzly's Emerald Auction Generates Strong Revenue

Grizzly Mining Chairman, Abdoulaye Ndiaye, has expressed his delight with the results of their auction and the attendance at the event held in Dubai, saying that the interest shown has underpinned the demand for high-quality Zambian emeralds.

Mining Weekly
Grizzly emerald auction generates $19m in sales

Grizzly Mining's chairperson, Abdoulaye Ndiaye, expressed his delight at the success of their Spring auction, which attracted significant attendance and underpins the strong interest in high-quality Zambian emeralds.

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Abdoulaye Ndiaye’s Background

Grizzly Mining Limited
Chairman and Founder
1997 - Present
Kitwe, ZM
Grizzly Mining Limited engages in the production and processing, as well as grading, marketing and supply of emeralds and beryl. The company is best known as the source of some of the largest high-grade emeralds globally.

Abdoulaye Ndiaye’s Gallery