The Marque The Marque

Rhett Wilson

Senior Vice President & Chief Development Officer

The White House Historical Association

Washington, DC, USA

Rhett Wilson
Anthony Williams
Håkan Wohlin
KingsRock Advisors

Rhett Wilson’s Biography

Rhett Wilson is the Senior Vice President & Chief Development Officer at the White House Historical Association and Founder of Teapot Mountain Advisory.

Founded in 1961 by former first lady Jacqueline Kennedy, the White House Historical Association is a non-profit organization tasked with the mission to preserve, protect and make accessible to the public the work of the nation's Executive Mansion. Under Rhett's leadership, the Association's philanthropic earnings and number of individual donors grew dramatically from 104 to nearly 20,000, with revenue 900% higher since his arrival.

Rhett’s extensive career in the academic sphere has seen him advise university presidents and deans, most recently guiding Universidad de Puerto Rico’s President Haddock on philanthropic revenue. He directs on the best course of long-term strategy and philanthropic efforts, previously holding the positions of Associate Dean of Johns Hopkins University's Carey Business School, Assistant Dean of George Mason University and Director of Corporate Relations for Arizona State University's W. P. Carey School...
Rhett Wilson is the Senior Vice President & Chief Development Officer at the White House Historical Association and Founder of Teapot Mountain Advisory.

Founded in 1961 by former first lady Jacqueline Kennedy, the White House Historical Association is a non-profit organization tasked with the mission to preserve, protect and make accessible to the public the work of the nation's Executive Mansion. Under Rhett's leadership, the Association's philanthropic earnings and number of individual donors grew dramatically from 104 to nearly 20,000, with revenue 900% higher since his arrival.

Rhett’s extensive career in the academic sphere has seen him advise university presidents and deans, most recently guiding Universidad de Puerto Rico’s President Haddock on philanthropic revenue. He directs on the best course of long-term strategy and philanthropic efforts, previously holding the positions of Associate Dean of Johns Hopkins University's Carey Business School, Assistant Dean of George Mason University and Director of Corporate Relations for Arizona State University's W. P. Carey School of Business.

The application of his advisory skills and experience gained at some of the country’s leading institutions led Rhett to establish Teapot Mountain Advisory, which focuses on assisting charitable boards, family offices and CEOs with their philanthropic outreach.

Outside of his corporate roles, Rhett has served on several boards including that of LGBTQ Victory Institute, a non-profit actively elevating LGBTQ leaders and equality at all levels of government. He is also a board member and Co-Founder of Caravanserai, a California-based organization that supports and trains leaders of relevant and future-ready charities and ventures who will introduce positive system change.

Rhett holds an Executive Education Certificate from the HopkinStanford Leadership in Action Program, a BSc in Justice Studies from ASU and an A.A. from Mesa Community College.
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Rhett Wilson’s Newsfeed

Inside the White House Historical Association’s 60th Anniversary Celebration

Members of the White House, including First Lady, Jill Biden, celebrated the 60th Anniversary of the White House Historical Association.

Rhett Wilson’s Background

The White House Historical Association
Senior Vice President & Chief Development Officer
Aug 2016 - Present
Washington, DC, USA
Established in 1961, the White House Historical Association is a private, non-profit academic institution dedicated to increasing public awareness and appreciation of the Executive Mansion.
Teapot Mountain Advisory
Jul 2019 - Present
Phoenix, AZ, USA
Founded in 2019, Teapot Mountain Advisory works with CEOs, CDOs and boards of directors to create or expand outreach and philanthropic programs. The company's main goal is to assist universities and organizations in implementing strategies, developing positioning and data collection.
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Rhett Wilson’s Gallery

Board Positions

LGBTQ Victory Institute
Board of Directors
Oct 2021 - Present
Washington, DC, USA
LGBTQ Victory Institute is a leading non-profit organization, focused on promoting openly LGBTQ individuals who can advance equality at all areas of public policy and government.
Caravanserai Project
Co-Founder & Board of Directors
Jul 2018 - Present
Palm Springs, CA, USA
The Caravanserai Project strives to support and develop mission driven young leaders with sustainable ideas offering a social impact reward.

Advisory Roles

U.S.-Ukraine Foundation
Advisor to the President of the Foundation
Jun 2022 - Present
Falls Church, VA, USA
The U.S.-Ukraine Foundation (USUF) is a non-governmental 501(c)3 based in Washington, D.C. that supports Ukraine in its development of democracy, a free market economy, human rights, and strategic partnership with the U.S.

Previous Board Positions

Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership
Board of Trustees
2014 - 2020
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Founded in 1958, HOBY is the leading young leadership development organization in the United States. The organization's objective is to educate and empower our global society of children and volunteer groups to achieve lives of leadership, service and invention.
Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership
President - Corporate Board of Directors, Arizona
2007 - 2009
Phoenix, AZ, USA
Rhett held an active role at HOBY as President of the Corporate Board of Directors for the Arizona region.

Previous Advisory Roles

Advisory Board
Jul 2009 - Dec 2012
Phoenix, AZ, USA
Alaris technology assists the health club industry with safe and secure check-in technology, ensuring a smooth and efficient system.
Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership
Facilitator | World Leadership Congress
Jul 2004 - Jul 2008
Phoenix, AZ, USA
Dedicated to 'training and nurturing the young leaders of tomorrow', the Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership creates spaces for the youth to engage in meaningful change across the United States.


Fundraising for the White House logo Fundraising for the White House logo
Fundraising for the White House
Cover Story
Jan 2021
Washington, DC, USA
Rhett is featured in Giving Tomorrow, a subscription service publication published by, a marketing and donor relations organization who have partnered with more than 5000 non-profits over the course of 20 years.

Specialist Courses

Stanford University
Stanford, US
Rhett received a certificate for completing the HopkinStanford Leadership in Action Program.
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD, USA
Rhett received a certificate for completing the HopkinStanford Leadership in Action Program.

Public Service

Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership
Board of Governors
Jan 2011 - Jul 2014
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Rhett volunteered on the Board of Governors from January 2011 until July 2014.

Speaking Engagements

Presidential Sites Summit
Featured Speaker
Mar 2022
Washington, DC, USA
Rhett Wilson participated in a panel titled "Donor Cultivation in a Post-Pandemic Environment." The session examined how fundraising practices and strategies have been altered significantly during the COVID-19 pandemic and the increase in virtual experiences for donors.

Rhett Wilson’s Education

Arizona State University
Bachelor of Science | Justice Studies
Mesa Community College
Associate of Arts