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Reon’s News Archive

The News Archive for Reon Barnard

Reon’s News Archive

The News Archive for Reon Barnard

Reon Barnard


Johannesburg, ZA
2 Apr 2024 | Export Focus Africa

Tabono appoints entreneurial icon Reon Barnard as CEO

Reon Barnard has been appointed CEO of Tabono following six years of growth at the equity partner with a portfolio covering a range of high-value sectors.

19 Nov 2023 | Full View

Gary Player and friends keep Blair Atholl school's dream alive

Reon Barnard, Trustee of the Gary & Vivienne Player Foundation and Director of the Blair Atholl Pre-Primary School, was quoted as saying it was an honour and privilege to make a difference in the lives of the children attending the school. He was speaking following the success of the Gary & Vivienne Player Invitational where more than R3 million was raised for the school founded by Gary and Vivienne Player in 1990.

16 Jan 2023

Partnership set to improve environmentally friendly battery recycling in SA

Tabono's co-founder Reon Barnard said “With dedicated environmentally friendly ways of recycling batteries, the world can leverage valuable materials like lead, lithium and cobalt, and power our future in a less harmful way.”

13 Dec 2022

ACE Green Recycling and Tabono to Form Battery Recycling Joint Venture

Tabono's co-founder Reon Barnard said, "Without dedicated recycling facilities, the country is losing valuable materials like lithium and cobalt. We plan to take up this opportunity."

25 Oct 2022

Holding company acquires group focused on the mining and other sectors

Co-founder of Tabono Investments, Reon Barnard, said that the company’s experience in growing businesses would be a major benefit as they take Advanced Group forward.

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